Sale Rules & Regulations for Sellers
The Oregon Largest Open Air Garage & Vintage Sale (Gettin Dizzy, LLC) its associated committee(s) or authorities, reserves the right to exclude or reject without recourse any person or items which violate the following rules, or are otherwise deemed objectionable.
- All spaces are 100% NON-REFUNDABLE No credit will be applied or transferred to future events and sales.
- IF the sale is canceled due to COVID or any other natural disaster, there will be NO REFUNDS issued by Gettin Dizzy LLC. The event is NOT responsible for the event being canceled by the State of Oregon, Deschutes County or any other reasons outside of our control.
- All spaces must be claimed and set up by Friday June 13th during move-in hours of 12 noon to 6pm.
- All spaces not claimed on Friday June 13th by 5pm are released and no refunds given.
- No Saturday move-ins at all. Must be set up and ready for 8am opening on Saturday June 14st.
- Friday is for vendors set up only. No buying or selling.
- You are allowed 1 parking spot for your vehicle. If you need additional space let us know at least 1 week prior to the event.
- Vendor Passes are for Vendors NO ONE ELSE. If you lose your Vendor Pass a replacement can be purchased for $20.
- NO Food or Beverage Sales are allowed.
- NO Drug Paraphernalia or Pornography are allowed for sale
- All Space Locations are Pre-Assigned and All are Outdoors
- Space for your booth is 20X20. If you rent more than one booth they will be together.
- Vendor Gates will open at 6am on Saturday and Sunday
- All Vendors MUST be open for business between the stated hours of 7am to 5pm
- Any Vendor that closes early will be removed and not allowed to future events
- Alcohol is not to be brought in by any vendors. Food and Beverage services will be available.
- Overnight Camping will be available on the Deschutes County Fairgrounds.
- Leaving your vehicle is at your own risk, security is NOT provided in the parking lot.
- Gettin Dizzy LLC is NOT responsible for any lost, stolen, and or damaged items.
- No Loud Music or Amplified Speakers is allowed
- Cover your space after set up on Friday and after closing on Saturday
- No fighting, cursing or aggressive actions will be allowed at any time.
- All Spaces MUST be vacated by 7pm Sunday September 1st including ALL GARBAGE
- Any items left onsite after the event are subject to a minimum $100 dump fee.